Buying a new home is supposed to be one of the most exciting times in your life. It is a major step and a great achievement that should bring you many, many years of exhilaration. After purchasing your home, you experience a feeling of victory and it is an occasion that you should be proud of. I met with people who have numerous feelings about the home buying experience. Some have great memories and stories that will last a lifetime and some have not so great stories because of the stress they encountered during their home buying process. I tell everyone that when you move into your new home and sit down for the first time and look around, feelings of absolute joy and excitement should be the first emotions felt, not feelings of stress. I look forward to each of my clients to be overjoyed when they walk into their new home (with their keys in hand) for the first time. I love to get phone calls and emails and letters from former clients who say, Bridget.....I am still loving my house… or Bridget, if Mary calls you, I referred her to you or…… should see what I did with the family room. Those are feelings that should last a lifetime and those are the feelings that you should expect to have when you have the right Realtor working for and with you. I go above and beyond to ensure my clients happiness. I have helped them envision where their furniture will go right up to helping them select paint colors for various room of their home. That is what being a Realtor is all about, client happiness and joy doing what I do for a living. I would not trade my profession for any other because when I get up each morning and start my day, I know that it is going to be a good day. Now, don’t get me wrong, not all days are GREAT days but, I do believe the day is what you make it and I make all of mine fulfilling, happy and successful.
Buying a home does not have to be a nerve-racking experience if you have the right Realtor working with you every step of the way and that is where I come in. I have been providing real estate services to buyers of residential and commercial properties jut like you. My expertise has allowed me to provide money saving tips, important facts, and valuable guidance to potential buyers for years.
There are a number of great programs available to you as a home buyer, ones that you should be aware of and take advantage of (based on qualifications). When it comes to buying a home or commercial property, there are important questions that you need to ask yourself and that need to be asked of you by your Realtor. Questions like, what is your reason for moving? What is your timeframe? What qualities are you looking for in your new home and area? Are you planning to have a family and is school district of importance to you? Etc. By asking questions it eliminates wasting buyers time by showing them properties that are not of interest or that are in an area that is too far from where they want to live. It also gives the Realtor an idea of how many rooms will they buyer need, how old are their children and do they need a swim/tennis community with a playground. Most questions can be answered just by casual conversation and a few questions.
Saving my clients money is another of my goals. I don't believe that just because you qualify for $250,000 that you need to spend $250,000. As a Realtor my goal is not only to get you into your new home but to assist you in making decisions regarding pricing. There is no better feeling than going to closing with my clients and seeing the smile on their faces when they are handed the keys to their new home and are confident that they purchased at a price they can afford. I sleep well at nights because I know that I have done my best and that my clients are pleased with both my service and my performance and that makes everything that I do daily worthwhile.
If you are a 1st time homebuyer (have not had ownership interest in a home in the last three years), let me show you how you can take advantage of the Tax Credit. There are a number of programs out here today that help you with your home purchase, you just need a knowledgeable Realtor, one who knows the industry and one who will work hard to ensure that you get the best possible deal and service available, suitable to your situation.
I provide my clients with a free pre-qualification service and I work with more than one lender. In most cases, we can find out the same day whether or not you qualify for a home loan and how much you qualify for. If your credit is less than perfect, that is okay too. We can work collectively to try to get your credit where it needs to be so that you can qualify. Just because you may not be able to qualify today does not take you out of the race. Call me and let's see where you stand regarding your credit today and what needs to be done to get you to homeownership status.
If you are in the market to purchase a new home or commercial property, please provide your information below and I will respond promptly. It would be my pleasure to serve as your realtor.